
Showing posts from May 19, 2019

How to Build Wealth Without a University Education. Part 1.

Education is really good! But I know that it is a privilege and not everyone has that privilege. I have seen people who really wanted to get an education while growing up but they didn't have the privilege. I have also seen people who had a good formal education but still have nothing tangible to show for it. Bottom line is formal education is not an assurance for success and lack of formal education doesn't mean one is eternally condemned to poverty, just as the people in the image above prove this to be true. I'm sure you've heard stories of peasants, farmers, housemaids, street children, who came from nothing and built wealth on and of their own, creating generations of wealth and prosperity. So let's dive in and talk about the things you can do to built wealth with any education. Learn a trade or a skill: Learning a trade or acquiring a skill is education as well; you are learning and acquiring knowledge and this will set a path of income for