
Showing posts from April 21, 2019

Your Skills are in demand. Find out here

Often times, I hear people talk about their skills; their natural and acquired skills and how much time and efforts it has taken them to not only master it but also package it. There are many people with numerous skill in today's world, ranging from photography to online investment trading. Or simply just name it and you can find someone who can get things done for you just with a professional touch. However, these skilled professionals are mostly out of touch, out of reach and out of connect. Developing or learning a skill is one thing, being available at the service of people that require your services is another.  Without a doubt, there is a dearth of information as well as platforms for which you can make yourself available and trade your skills for some real value. That is not to say that your skills are not in demand. These days, when people need a service they first search online for people who are rendering those services. Also, shoppers check th

6 SACRIFICES You Need To Make If You Want To Be RICH

It is not easy to make sacrifices sometimes, but if you must be rich, you have to stick to these things I’m going to share with you, only if you want to be on the right track to riches. Although it doesn’t happen with the snap of fingers, it happens to those who work for it. So, if you are ready, take this short ride with me as I share Six sacrifices you must make if you want to be rich. Sacrifice Trendy Kinds of Stuff If you want to become rich, you need to stay off buying shining things or stuff that are trending. Stay off those designer shoes, clothes, bags and phones. It is actually not easy, but it is better to pay your dues today and live large tomorrow. Invest more and manage what’s left by disciplining yourself. Stop buying things you don’t need. Come to think of it, the luxury lifestyle; the luxury cars, big houses, private jets, and travelling around the world to enjoy life should be just the end results of your hard work of success. Friends One thi

9 Dumb Advice Unsuccessful People Give You

9 Dumb Advice Unsuccessful People Give You. Hey you! Yes, you thinking what I’m about to tell you that you probably didn’t know before now. Well, I’m here to open your eyes to some advice you didn’t know were wrong, lame and dumb. Some of these dumb bits of advice are given by family, friends, mentors and so on, with no intent to harm or mislead you. But the truth is, most successful people are not even willing to dish out the right recipe for their success. Nevertheless, I’m going to unravel and debunk these dumb bits of advice which you’ve proudly believed in. Just Wait And Let Love Happen To You. Often times, people complain about boredom and inability to meet classy and good looking would-be partners. How would you meet this person when you are always indoors unless the would-be partner is going to be delivering ice creams at your doorstep. Again, if you are in a place and everyone around you is below or higher than your standard, then you need to walk. If you want to

How to Sell Anything and Build a Customer Base

How to Sell Anything and Build a Customer Base. These days, selling has become an essential skill and a daily aspect of our lives. We sell daily; directly or indirectly, online or offline, on a one-time basis on continuously. As a salesman myself, I say sales is everything we do. From the way you present yourself to attract the right people for the commodity or service you intend to sell even before you find someone to offer your merchandise to for sale. So, marketing mixes with sales, which is more about publicizing the products you are offering to sell in other to create an aura around the product or service so as to attract sales. So to sell any anything, sell more and sell better? Here are 8 tips to shoot your sales out the roof: You are the first thing to sell: Yes! People miss this point often forgetting that you as the person offering something for sale need to successfully sell yourself first. The customer usually must have bought you before even buying what

9 Signs You're A Beta Male

All men would wants to be anything, but not a beta male.They are been portrayed as weak, physically, morally and socially.The beta male is worst unlike the Alpha male, has a short lived nature and are easily engulfed by current happenings in their environment. They avoid risk, lacks physical presence, charisma and confidence. Somebody would say, "Those descriptions above are not for me". Well it's for nobody either, lets just go through some few signs and we'll know who that description fits. 1. WEAKNESS:  This being the keynote of a beta male.Beta males are weak, physically and morally. Looking at a beta male from afar, his weakness can be smelt from his inadequate look he possess and they are easy to over come. 2. DECISION MAKING:  They are slow or sometimes unable to make decisions on their own, and they mostly delegate their decision making authority to people around them. 3. THEY MAKE EXCUSES:  Instead of taking responsibilities of their actions

Four Mindsets You Need To Succeed In Life

Here are Four Mindsets You Need to Succeed In Life. Who doesn't love a successful life and show off on big screens and billboards? I guess we all do. But let’s be honest here, success doesn’t just happen. Fancy cars and big houses don’t come easy.  That is why today, I want to rewire how you think about success and teach you the right mindset you need to be successful in life. So if you are willing to elevate your mindset to achieve success in life... sit tight because I’ve got some great ideas to share with you. Put Passion (Desire) First. When I say put passion first, some of you would be wondering, how do I put passion first when I’m studying Medicine and my passion is to be a Musician, fashion designer and so on? The truth is pursuing your talents and deepest interests teach that we are each a unique expression of human existence and that our lives should be focused on finding our unique genius and sharing it with the world to the maximum possib

How To Get Up To 5 MILLION Naira From Lagos State Government

How to get up to 5 MILLION Naira from Lagos State Government Small business owners and artisans are basking in the grace of the Lagos state government to grow and expand their businesses with the unbelievably low-interest rate at just 5% per annum accompanied by a long term repayment tenure for loans up to 5 MILLION NAIRA! As a business owner, be it a start-up, small business, medium or large business in Lagos, you have this great opportunity to access business-friendly loans to run your business without even any collaterals. Accessing loans from the commercial banks has proven to be a dead end for business owners due to high interest rates, hidden charges, and demand for huge collaterals among many others. Simply put, accessing loan as a small business owner or artisan in Nigeria is extremely difficult. However, Lagos state government through LSETF (Lagos State Employment Trust fund ) have made it easy for every business owner at different scales to have access

5 Mindsets You Need To Succeed In Business

Here are five mindsets you need to succeed in Business. Do you ever wonder why some people have the ability to bounce from success to success without falter while others do? Well, the truth of the matter is that success solemnly depends on your mindset as an entrepreneur or a business person. Your mindset matters. It affects everything - from the business and investment decisions you make to the way you handle your family, to your stress levels and overall well-being. But not to worry, if you have decided to get better with your business this 2019, thumbs up for you because we are here to help you get started with the mindset you need to adopt. Trash the fixed mindset and embrace the growth mindset. When I say ‘trash the fixed mindset’, I mean you should stop thinking like an average Nigerian who always believes the successful ones have rich Dads. Yea, that’s what fixed mindset does. But the growth mindset allows you to dream big and push the boundaries of your

9 Signs You're An Alpha Male

A man twice another man in quality, character, style, and personality, will undoubtedly be acknowledged and recognize in a community, a workplace or even in a social gathering. Therefore  such person is been held in high esteem and would be look up to in times of challenges. Such person is a warrior, not necessarily a combatant, but someone that wouldn't find it difficult in safeguarding their community and their love ones. This type of man is an ALPHA MALE . Many men wants to be that, but i wonder how many men would be willing to stand like David in front of Goliath. Now, I would be taken you through the following 9 signs which if you notice in yourself, your friend and family, or your children will let you know he or she or you're an Alpha Male. Kindly read on. 1. COURAGE: They have strength in time of  pain and griefs, they possess the ability to act on their believe despite disapproval or danger. They are daring,they possess audacity, boldness, heroism and gall

How To Open BANK of AMERICA ACCOUNT in Nigeria

How to Open Bank of America account in Nigeria The world is a digital place now. In fact, I'd say it is now fully digitally optimized.   You could literally say that the difference between people who are successful and people who aren’t is information. The internet today is filled with a plethora of information but knowing how to make use of the information is another great trait you see in successful people. The world now operates like one digital sphere where you can do virtually anything that was hitherto impossible. Transactions running into billions of Dollars are done daily by people across different locations daily without necessarily leaving their localities. Banking, receiving payments and paying for goods and services globally is now possible for Nigerians. You will legally open, own and run a Bank of America account here in Nigeria. I would like to note to you that you don’t need to change your IP or use any dedicated VPN. Here’s how:  Payoneer is o

Being Your Own Boss: A Challenge For The Youth

The current state of the economy has made it known to more people that the type of job they wished for is nowhere to be found. However, this has been a reality for decades and has made so many people think of floating a business for themselves instead of looking out for jobs that are not available. But the big challenge most people are faced is how, and what it takes to start a business. Don't be discourage as the following steps would help you to "BE YOUR OWN BOSS". 1. MAKE A DECISION:  This as a foundation to every success is a bold step as many people are not satisfied with their current job or salary and are seeking for how to put a stop to that. Now take a deep breath, think about a solution and just make that crucial decision that change your life. 2. CHOOSE A BUSINESS OF YOUR CHOICE:  Having make a decision, now be faithful towards it by looking out for things you're good at. It might be trade, services or any other thing you feels comfortable at doi