9 Signs You're An Alpha Male

A man twice another man in quality, character, style, and personality, will undoubtedly be acknowledged and recognize in a community, a workplace or even in a social gathering. Therefore  such person is been held in high esteem and would be look up to in times of challenges.

Such person is a warrior, not necessarily a combatant, but someone that wouldn't find it difficult in safeguarding their community and their love ones. This type of man is an ALPHA MALE.

Many men wants to be that, but i wonder how many men would be willing to stand like David in front of Goliath. Now, I would be taken you through the following 9 signs which if you notice in yourself, your friend and family, or your children will let you know he or she or you're an Alpha Male. Kindly read on.

1.COURAGE: They have strength in time of  pain and griefs, they possess the ability to act on their believe despite disapproval or danger. They are daring,they possess audacity, boldness, heroism and gallantry among other things.So think you have the courage? You might be an Alpha Male at the long run but remember were still a long way from the 9 signs so you better possess the remaining signs.

2.HARDWORKING: They are always ready to work with energy and commitment. Their untiring nature gives them chance to work tirelessly till they finally achieve their aims and objectives.

3.THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE: Learning for some might looks like climbing mount Everest, but an Alpha male, they find it the mostly easy to learn and they are always ready to learn. They're brilliant in class, their super learner instincts keeps them ahead of others.

4.ABILITY TO SEE BEYOND FAILURE TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS: For some, when they fail to achieve a purpose or target, it simply means the end of the road for them, but the ability lies in an Alpha male that never sees the end of the road they keep trying and trying until success is finally achieved.

5.PURPOSE: They have a personal sense of resolve or firmness that makes them stick to or be faithful to their goals. They are determine and focus in all ramifications.

6.LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE: They lead by examples, in the way they walk, or talk, or their doings they will be an example to others. They are persons others wants to follow because they are honest, they inspire others through commitment and passion, accountability, decision making capabilities and creative innovations. So far, do you possess any of the above signs? Well if yes, we are not done yet just keep reading.

7.AUTHENTICITY: Authenticity is simply defined as the true nature of a thing, or a person, not false but true.In this case, an Alpha male portrays himself in true nature, no faking or pretending about him. When he likes something or someone, he really meant that. No lies about him he comes through pure and clean in his ways.

8.POPULARITY: An Alpha male finds himself in the state of being like, admired or supported by many people.They are popular and well known in their environment and far beyond.

9.VALUE: Alpha male has principles or standard of behavior, they have good sense of judgement and they know whats important in life.The Alpha male is a man of value, and he makes lives of others better by being part of them.
       So far, we have gone through signs and behavior you see in a man that makes him an Alpha male. whether or Not you are an Alpha Male, we strongly recommend you to read the ultimate book known to only top alpha males; the book is titled Fifty Shades Of Grey, by E.L James. You can get the audio version for FREE by clicking this link, courtesy of our partnership with Audible: http://tidd.ly/248f835b


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