Being Your Own Boss: A Challenge For The Youth

The current state of the economy has made it known to more people that the type of job they wished for is nowhere to be found. However, this has been a reality for decades and has made so many people think of floating a business for themselves instead of looking out for jobs that are not available. But the big challenge most people are faced is how, and what it takes to start a business. Don't be discourage as the following steps would help you to "BE YOUR OWN BOSS".

1.MAKE A DECISION: This as a foundation to every success is a bold step as many people are not satisfied with their current job or salary and are seeking for how to put a stop to that. Now take a deep breath, think about a solution and just make that crucial decision that change your life.

2.CHOOSE A BUSINESS OF YOUR CHOICE: Having make a decision, now be faithful towards it by looking out for things you're good at. It might be trade, services or any other thing you feels comfortable at doing .Choose a lucrative business, trade or service even you might have a talent that can fetch you what makes a boss be firm and strong about it.

3.DRAW A BUSINESS PLAN: Now you make a decision already, you now have a business in mind, now plan is needed you know failure to plan is plan to fail so you plan on how to make your dream business a reality.While making your plan you get to ask yourself some certain questions  Whats my business about? Who are my targeted audience? How am i going to service or please them? And finally,what am i profiting from it? Having got an an answer to these questions, you find you're moving up on your journey towards being your own boss.

4.KNOW YOUR FINANCIAL STRENGHT: Now to the most crucial part of it, your financial capability is very much important as you need if not much, a little capital is needed. Now know your capital, if you're rich enough to finance the business, it means you're good to go and if not device a means to get the capital and blaze up your business.

5.IDENTIFY YOUR MARKET: You have your capital, don't rush yourself  as you need to find your market and device a means of getting your goods and services to them to maintain a perfect chain of distribution.

6:PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS: Now take the next step with cautions and treat this with utmost diligence. Make a brand for you business, let it be catchy and thoroughly convincing and appealing to make people accept you and and make you a first choice when they need your services. Make sure to take the means of promotion that best suits your business into consideration as you need to reach more people to make you a giant. Make the best use of the social media and try a peer to peer advertisement in other to reach more people

7:ACCOUNTABILITY; As profitable as some business might be, being accountable is very essential. If you're not very good at keeping records of the inward and outward flows of money in your business, you need to learn or employ the service of someone who is good in that aspect in other to keep a smooth running of the business.

Now take note of this steps put them to practice and see you're not far away form "BEING YOUR OWN BOSS". I strongly recommend you to read this business book, by the founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel: Zero TO One. You can get the audio version here for free, Click here:

Have a blessed week.


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