How To STOP Negative Self Talk

Negative self talk can be refers to as self demoting thoughts or self depreciation. In other words, bringing yourself down, believing you "CANNOT" or "CAN NEVER" achieve something or do it right or better. This kind of thoughts keeps you telling yourself you "CAN'T " or you are "NOT FIT" to do things, simply writing yourself off.

Negative self talk can affects us extremely in many ways, such as increase in the level of stress and decrease in self esteem, decrease in motivation and possibly, leads to depression. A person with a high level of negative self talk will see him or herself as being unable to handle challenges, and only see things more from the negative side than the positive side.

Now, how am i going to stop negative self talk? There are many ways to stop this in your daily life but be reminded, whether you're going to get over it or not simply depends on YOU. These are ways to STOP negative self talk.
  • TAKE NOTE OF YOUR THOUGHTS:  By paying attention to what you're thinking allows you to catch yourself in the act sooner, this lets you question your inner fault finder. So by simply keeping a tab on things that's going on in your mind, makes you notice earlier when you starts the negative thought and quickly attacks it and get over it
  • BE NEUTRAL: While you're feeling bad, instead of keeping hurtful and negative thoughts, simply change them into more relieving statements. Instead of believing you can't, try to be positive by saying you can if you keep trying.
  • BE YOUR OWN COMPANION: Be kind to yourself, think of it this way, would you let anybody treat that way? Or would you treat somebody that way? if not, why would you treat yourself same? try to always treat yourself with more compassion and kindness as you would wish somebody treats you.
  • SPILL IT OUT: Saying it out aloud or probably to a friend or family when you catch yourself keeping negative thoughts will help you greatly. You can both laugh it off or he shed more lights on it and can make you see how unreasonable you have been.
  • ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE: Now always remove the "NO" from your mind anytime you experience a fall and be quick to replace it with a "YES". This way you stay motivated and  your self esteem increases.
  • TAKE NOTE OF YOUR GOOD ATTRIBUTES: Look through yourself and discover what you're good at, things that are good about you. For example, you are beautiful, you might possess a good body posture or even a special talent, or you get a big round of applause when you dance, keep note of them and make a choice where to focus.
  • GET READY TO BE INFERIOR: By getting inferior you are set to understand the fact that you're human and no one is perfect everyone has his or her own side faults. Like this you are ready to accept that you don't need to be perfect and stop the unreasonable thinking.
  • CHANGE YOUR POINT OF VIEW: When thinking about things sometimes, try to look at them the other way round and be positive towards it, try to shift your perspective to another side of what you're thinking, such as, what if it is not the way you thought it was?, what if it won't happen like that again? and so on.
  • NOT ALWAYS TRUE: Note that sometimes our thoughts and feelings are not always true, understand that they can always change anytime and are only influenced by your mood.
          One of the most obvious setbacks of negative self-talk is that it's not positive.This sounds simplistic, but research has shown that positive self-talk is a great predictor of success. To get more insight about how you can stop negative self talk, we strongly recommend that you read this book Positive Mindset by Hailey Jackson, courtesy of our partnership with Audible via Audible:


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