9 Brutal TRUTHS People Don't Want To Hear

The truth is always hard to embrace. Most people are unable to confront their fears, so they end up as great dreamers but weak doers. Truth hurts, but by embracing them, you are giving yourself a clear head start to plan well.

So, are you brave enough and willing to confront these truths of life that I’m going to share with you?

Here are Nine brutal truth no one wants to hear:

Money, Fame & Success can make you happy.

Imagine sleeping at night with billions of dollars sitting in your account, I bet you, when you wake, you are going to feel ever refreshed. You'll always be happy for no reason. The truth is, your life would be a lot better if you had a lot more money in the bank than you have right now. 

Success means you have options. It means you are not constrained by your reality. You can say NO or YES when you feel like it. Money doesn’t buy happiness but it can buy positive experiences for you and those you care about, which used correctly will evolve into personal happiness.

So guys, stop villianizing successful people just because they live better lives than you and start working towards yours!

If Emotions Control you, you have already Lost 

Many people easily get hurt when ignored by others. It is our nature as humans to feel the need to be seen. The truth is — you will often get ignored in this world. This stage we call life has a very particular set of rules which rewards efficiency and disregards emotions. 
For instance, Horses are really sophisticated creatures which are able to portray and understand feelings, yet cars replaced them simply because they were more efficient. What does this mean? It simply means that the world doesn’t care about your feelings. Therefore, be a wise man and learn how to use your emotions to your benefit, and control them.

Life Humbles you when you Forget about Reality

All the comfort you are enjoying will not always be there. When everything seems to be perfect, life often gives you a wake-up call. Each day is a reminder to live with a genuine attitude of gratitude. Enjoy the moment you have today. Build a relationship with others. Keep humility a part of your being. When life slaps you with a hard discipline, you can still rise above the pain.

Life is a Series of Pause and Stops.

When I lost my first job, it felt like the world had crashed down on me. I was down a few days then I picked myself up and utilised the other skills I had. I started writing from home thereby developing myself the more before I got another offer.
Truth is, in life, unwanted issues such as sudden job loss, health problems, emotional pain, abrupt transitions must likely occur, but what you do in moments like this counts.

Successful people look at these as opportunities to prepare themselves to launch a better plan. They don’t sit around pitying themselves. They devote their energy to steer their life in the direction they want. No one wants to experience stops, but they are necessary in order for you to grow and be strong.

Life is a Competition

Life is a competition, but it’s a competition against yourself, against the hard reality that you’re either going to be a successful person or fade away into mediocrity. It’s all up to you how you’re about to play the game. The problem with most of us is that we have turned bullies at the workplace because of someone who likely has a better lead. You see yourself constantly trying to beat them which will cause stress and frustrations, in the long run, making you lose sight on how to advance yourself. Don’t get trapped comparing yourself to someone else. When you compete with yourself, you gain more understanding of your performance. You can pinpoint what stumps your progress.

Angry at the Aspects and Traits of Others that you Identify with Yourself.

Listen up! Next time you get really angry at someone, contemplate over what is really getting you angry, and then think about how you yourself may have done something similar in the past. It is a better relief.

Being Busy doesn’t mean you’re Doing Anything Worthwhile.

Always remember this! Write it boldly in capital letters on your vision board or somewhere you will be constantly reminded to check your reality. Being busy does not mean you’re adding value to your life or to those around you. 
We understand you need to clean the house and get some groceries from the store, but if that’s what keeps you busy every single day, you won’t have any time to get anything done that actually has an impact on your life.
When’s the last time you did something important for yourself? Maybe it’s time to prioritize and stop wasting time and start investing your time.

We are not Born Equal

The world we live in is not perfect because in a perfect world it wouldn’t matter where you were born, the color of your skin, your gender or sexual preference. 
If you were born in America, you will enjoy from the very beginning a premium quality of life, great access to good medical care, incredible education, opportunities all around you, in a clean, and polite environment. 
But on the other side, we are here Nigeria, where sound medical health care and education is at its worse. That Notwithstanding, it’s still up to you to decide on what kind of world you wish to live in and then do something about it.

When your Focus is External, you lose Internal Strength.

When all you do is care about what other people think than about what you think- it destroys your confidence. You desperately want approval from others, and you're willing to sacrifice aspects of your true self to receive it. Just know that life is a series of games- make sure you find the one that's worth playing while staying true to yourself.

It's time to be courageous and wear your heart on your sleeve. The more that you can acknowledge your shortcomings, the greater your foundation for achieving your full potential and living a more fulfilling life.

Thanks for reading guys! Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section below as we do our best to bring you more insightful topics.


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