9 Things You CAN Control In Life

9 Things You CAN Control In Life.
In life, there are things we can control and there are things we can't control. In this article, I will help you realize how much of your life is actually under your control and I'll be very precise about it. If something is not working out for you in any of these regards, the only person to blame is yourself.

Here are 9 things in life that you can control.

Your Time:
Time waits for no one they say. Your clock is ticking! Every day, after you wake up, you have 16 to 20 hours in order to make your life better.

 If you spend your time surfing the net, watching TV or flipping through Instagram, then it's your choice. Invest your time and focus on things that yield positive results.

Your Circle of Friends
Ask yourself this, “Who are my friends”? You might meet people based on your circumstances, but never forget that you are free to choose your friends. It’s better to have none than being surrounded by people who only want to bring you down to their level.

Select your friends. You don’t need to have a hundred fake friends, even if it is one person whom you can rely on to have your back when you need it, is more than enough.

Your Activity Every Day
Do you take the stairs or the elevator? Seemingly small decisions to build more activity into your day can make a big difference in your physical and mental health. Success doesn’t just happen to you. You build it every single day! It’s the small actions every hour that counts, no matter what you’re building. No matter the project, you need to put in the time if you want to see results. Stop looking for shortcuts!

Your diet
Another thing you have control of is your diet. Every bite you take can either enrich or deplete you. Skip the afternoon doughnut and actively decide to make healthy choices.

 Stop putting junk in your body. You’re not a kid anymore! You should not be eating for pleasure, instead, eat for your health.

Your Happiness
True happiness is a state of being. It has nothing to do with what you own or what you have. This is one of those lessons we wished we had learned earlier: Happiness is a choice! In truth, you can be happy with little or you can be happy with a lot. It’s not dependant on your possessions. Happiness is the result when your reality is matching your expectations. Don’t over expect when you are not working towards greatness.

How you present yourself
People treat you how you treat yourself! If you don’t take yourself seriously, nobody else will. The way you present yourself is completely under your control.

 If you don’t present yourself honourably, nobody will honour you. If you present yourself as overweight, ungroomed or sensible individual, the world will treat you accordingly. Make a choice.

Another thing you are in control of as an individual is your mindset. Be positive, be persistent and be someone that other people look forward to seeing. If you have a role model you admire, take up that attitude in them you admire and act on it. You’ll feel better.

How Much Sleep You Get
I know most of you would be like, "please don’t say this because I don’t joke with my sleep". I know you have to sleep so that your body can adjust and regulate itself, nobody denies that. What you don’t need is to oversleep. Sleeping more than 6 hours makes no sense.

 Most people make excuses for their incompetence by saying they don’t have time, yet they can’t optimize their sleep. There’s actually no point in sleeping less if you’re going to be wasting your day watching Netflix series and Snapchatting, either way, unless that is your specific goal, in which case I can’t be friends with you.

Where You Live
Often than not, I hear excuses like “ I stay in a rural area, there aren’t opportunities where I live”. Why are still there? Why not move to a better place? It’s not an easy decision, but it’s definitely something you can do, something you have control over in your life. Surely it’s going to be really difficult, especially in the beginning, but once you settle in, you’ll realize you made the move for your wellbeing. Leave your comfort zone!
Will this list make you act differently from now on? If so, we strongly recommend your to read this book we have also been blessed by titled How To Control Your Destiny by Anthony Norvell. Get the audio version for FREE here: http://tidd.ly/248f835b


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